2023-12-15 02:27:15 -

2023-12-19 23:31:00 -

2023-12-13 02:07:23 -

2023-12-14 00:02:47 -

2023-12-13 11:05:19 -

2023-12-14 23:48:47 -
容量大小:空间很合适 做工细节:很好 外观颜值:好看,客服,服务也很好

2023-12-13 04:35:12 -

2023-12-14 09:32:10 -

2023-12-29 14:02:42 -

2023-12-15 18:48:48 -



谭盾是世界著名作曲家、指挥家,  曾获得奥斯卡最佳原创音乐奖. 家父跟其母在长沙一家医院曾经是同事, 有段时间都住在医院病房的二楼, 是邻居, 对小时候的谭盾有所了解. 他母亲姓黄,我们叫黄医生, 人很善良, 正直, 是早年正规的护校毕业, 部队医院转业后, 由护士转做医生.  文革期间, 他父母非常忙, 经常支左, 黄医生参加医疗队下乡,  一呆就是半年, 所以他和妹妹很多时间都是跟外婆在一起, 从小就很独立,对小妹妹也照顾有加。他妹妹小他几岁, 跟我同年, 小时候常在一起玩,当然,他不会跟我们玩,也玩不到一起。谭盾从小就非常喜欢音乐, 到了痴迷的地步, 一天到晚在鼓捣他的乐器, 是个全才,经常听到他吹笛子, 拉二胡,小提琴和手风琴. 那时候医院的好几十个小孩, 从4-5岁到十八九岁都有, 一起最喜欢玩“工兵捉强盗”, 在医院里满处躲, 满处找, 不亦乐乎!可这种玩耍中很少见到谭盾的身影,大师就是大师,当别人都在虚度时光的时候,他就早早的为他的梦想在奋斗了。难得可贵的是, 谭盾小时候玩音乐基本上都是自学, 没有什么高人指点, 他付出的功夫应该比别人多很多倍, 也唯有对音乐酷爱的人才能做到.

谭盾七五年高中毕业后下放到当时的望城县“修理地球”。那个时候,虽然种田很辛苦,他却没有忘记他音乐的梦想,只要一有机会,就练琴玩音乐。同时,还利用这段时间,收集了不少真正来自民间的乐谱,为他以后的作曲奠定了坚实的生活基础。1978年, 中国恢复高考后,他如愿考入中国音乐学院首次招生的作曲系,开始了他的科班训练生涯。这种训练如虎添翼,他很快就显示出他的音乐天赋,当时被誉为音乐学院的四大才子。80年代初,我刚考上大学,有天跟父亲上街, 在浏城桥碰到他母亲和他妹妹,那时他母亲已经转到另外一家医院工作,闲聊中,他母亲很高兴告诉我父亲,儿子在音乐学院不错,已经小有名气 , 梅花香自苦寒来, 我父亲表示了由衷的祝福 .

谭盾其实数理化成绩一直都很好, 完全可以去上一个好的理工科大学,真的很佩服他的父母, 在那个“学好数理化, 走遍天下全不怕”年代, 能够让他去音乐学院,如果没有他父母的开明, 这个世界也许就多了一个码工或教授,却少了一个才华横溢的音乐大师


I really like the Nike Air Monarch ... fit and feel is great.
- Singapore

Sizing is perfect. It is like a spring in my step, I stand all day....
- Liberia

I always order these shoes for my hubby. He never wears any other shoes but Nike.
- Singapore

Nike runs about a 1/2 size small. I wear a 10.5 normally and wear an 11 in Nike. Good shoes.
- Switzerland

Comfortable, good sole and inner sole. Have worn this make for several years -- hope they keep making them.
- Singapore

Nike still makes a very high quality shoe. It offers excellent support and durability. This my second pair of this modal.
- Switzerland

Sneakers fit as advertised; it was in excellent condition; fit was comfortable, sturdy, and it works for casual use which is what I wanted.
- Singapore

my husband bought these for himself and he loves them. he has bought these same shoes before in the past. he highly recommend these. good comfort and support.
- Liberia

Been wearing for 3 weeks and I am very happy with them.Have been wearing $130 shoes up to this to get good Arch support but these give almost as good at less than half the price, would buy again.
- Switzerland

I've worn Nike Air Monarch IV for years because they are so comfortable. These are excellent cross training shoes and have been ideal for my needs. It's not always easy to find them in my size, but had them at a great price!
- Switzerland

2023-12-04 03:28:19--
Looks great

2023-12-04 03:23:38--
These chains are very nice quality for the price. They arrived timely and I am happy with purchase.

2023-12-04 03:23:15--
Absolutely amazing, didn’t expect it to come so quickly and super satisfied with the product. Will most definitely be buying more .

2023-12-04 03:21:12--
REAL REVIEW FRM NY. Item is NOT as pictured. Ring has no skulls. Took over a month to receive

2023-12-04 03:20:33--
Love the belts. Size is absolute perfect. Arrived in good time. Would recttgis seller

2023-12-04 03:20:24--
This bag is amazing quality! You can tell it’s real leather just by the fresh new car smell. Very small differences between this and my real gucci bag! Took nearly a month to arrive but worth the wait!

2023-12-04 03:17:33--

2023-12-04 03:07:34--
Beautiful scarf, incredibly soft and arrived very quickly! Highly recommend.

2023-12-04 03:02:35--
You can’t even tell the difference between the two. The bracelets big on me but I also have a small wrist. Love it nonetheless. The seller was very happy to answer any questions, or help with anything I needed on the order. Will buy again if needed!💖

2023-12-04 03:02:17--
Gorgeous dainty necklace that is even better than expected, it has an adjustable fastening so you can wear it shorter or longer and has all the original markings. I ordered the pearl white one and it looks great! The chain is also much like the original, I compared lots of pictures before ordering and this one is by far the best. I’ve uploaded pictures, hopefully you can see them! Thanks again, I will be ordering more from this seller for sure!!

Displaying 841 to 850 (of 850 reviews)

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